Roadmap 2024

An overview of the high-level changes and upcoming features coming to SpaceSwap and to the Space Token ecosystem

Q2 2024

  • SPACE launch on Ethereum and Layer 2 Networks:

    • Gnosis

    • Optimism

    • Arbitrum

  • New Incentivized LP staking pool with APR >50% for L2 early adopters.

  • Token Burn events

  • New Giveaway and Grant campaigns

Q3 2024

  • Space NFT collection with rewards boosts on Final Autoclaim

  • Token Burn events

  • All-in-one interface to get SPACE LP

  • New Stablecoins liquidity pools integration to Space LP Cross-Chain Staking and Bonuses

  • Space DAO launch

  • New SPACE bridging integrations (CCIP, LayerZero)

Last updated